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Cold Retribution

by Selena Michaels
Publication Date: February 8, 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Dark / Toxic Romance

My brother’s getting engaged, and I couldn’t give less of a shit–until he shows up at our parent’s home with a woman I’ve had in my arms before. It seems Luke forgot to tell her he had a twin.

I’ll be damned if I let him use my good name to net a catch like Hana. My brother’s as possessive as I am, and we butt heads over our little Hana with deadly consequences.

She’s like a treasured toy held between two boys, pulled in either direction at the same time, but I won’t let go of what’s mine.

Luke doesn’t deserve her, and I’ll die before I let him break her.

Cold Retribution is a dark romance written for mature audiences only. It contains graphic scenes that may be too dark for some readers.

About the Author

Selena Michaels is a local romance writer publishing out of Virginia. Selena writes romance books/novels with adult aged characters, adult aged content, and adult aged storylines. Her books/novels often stem from her own experiences growing up in the small town of Pennsylvania. Selena also draws inspiration from some of her closest friends and families. Selena does her research, and her books/novels are the proof. From owning hundreds of books and reading daily, Selena is abreast with the current, past, and future writing times, styles, and authors. Selena finds favoritism in books/novels written by Laurell K. Hamilton, Christine Feehan, Jude Deveraux, Danielle Steel, T.L Swan, Pepper Winters, and more.
Being a mixed, bi-sexual, woman in an interracial marriage, Selena strives to write with representation. Selena wants to include all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, religions, and more to diversify her books. Every book is written to be unlike the other character and plot wise. Selena wanted to write stories that go against the typical romance book/novel. Selena makes it her mission to uplift women in her stories and challenge stereotypes, judgments, and negative connotations the come with being a woman, let alone a woman of color.

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