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An Inferno World Novel
by Winter Paige Writing as W.P. Woodbine
Publication Date: June 18, 2021
Genres: Adult, Horror, Suspense, Taboo

Bound by depravity, sealed with blood, and severed only in death, Luke Greene’s bloodline continues to thrive in the Greene household. We live by our own set of rules without regret, knowing no earthly penance could ever atone for our transgressions. Our acts so vile that evil itself awaits each generation, etching its claim upon our souls at conception.

Know this: There is no hope found within these pages. No white horses or hand kisses. No light at the end of the tunnel, waiting with your feel-good fade to black happily ever after. Our story will make most readers uncomfortable, but for the worthy few… This. Is. Home.

This is Dilectio…

About the Author

Dabbling in the darker parts of romance, Winter Paige is weaver of words that bend the mind and break the heart.
Born in Charleston, West Virginia, she loves to travel and read, painting in between her own fevered writing sessions.
Winter currently lives in West Virginia with her husband, four sons, and all of the voices in the cacophony of her mind.

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